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Fast Movers

Fictional moving company design.


For this project, I wanted to design an mobile website for a moving company. I decided to call the company Fast Movers and looked to other moving companies, shipping services, and sign-up/log-in documents to have a better understanding of what is expected by potential customers. In order to decide on what made the most sense for my home screen, I based it on companies like FedEx and Amazon. Then I looked to other obscure companies for what would be used in the various forms and package selection, as some of what I found in those services had a look I was more interested in. 

Reference Photos. Images are screenshots from various websites.


In my wireframes, I focused mainly on the log-in/sign-up process and the customer's account menu. While I liked its general layout, it still felt a bit cluttered. I wanted to keep the amount of fields required to fill out initially to a minimum, as I know as a customer for such services myself, it is often annoying to go through multiple pages and tabs just for the log-in/sign-up service. For the most part, the less initial fields the better as the other information can be filled out at another time in the customer's account menu at their convenience if they want to.

Initial Designs

Once I got to the initial designs, I chose blue for the main color, due to its calming nature, as moving can be a stressful experience. I kept the ordering process short with only three different pages: shipping date, contents, and payment. At the end I added a receipt so the customer could have it if they wanted it. For the log-in/sign-up process I took away the "log-in through facebook/Google" options and kept it just to email log-in. In the customer account, I made several categories for things that repeat customers may need: personal info, billing, contact, and credit card.

Final Designs

For the final changes, one major across-the-board change was the top bar logo, account icon, and hamburger menu. I initially designed it for iPhone 6 and older as I forgot that the newer generations have the dip at the top. On the account page billing was changed to address, personal was changed to name, and both the address and credit card sections were switched to optional information. For the order process, the order of what appeared at what time was rearranged with contents coming first and then shipping date second. A more in depth item screen was added as well.

Final Mock-Up

Famous Toilets (6/15)

Elden Quest (8/15)

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